Mike is one of the most famous boxers who has held numerous belts and titles including Undisputed Heavyweight Champion. He has also appeared in films such as The Hangover.
LegalForce RAPC Worldwide represented Mike on the filing of his U.S. trademark for TYRANNIC, which is related to a clothing line.
Elijah is a critically acclaimed actor and producer having been featured in Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Hobbit, Happy Feet, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Back to the Future Part II.
LegalForce RAPC Worldwide represented Elijah on the filing of his U.S. trademark for SPECTREVISION, which is related to cinematic video production.
Walter is a Grammy winning singer-songwriter who performs under the name Gotye as well as being a former member of The Basics.
LegalForce RAPC Worldwide represented Walter on the filing of his U.S. trademark for GOTYE, which is related to the name of a musical performer.
Andrew and Nathaniel are Grammy winning musicians who perform under the name Fun along with Jack Anathallo. Andrew formerly of Anathallo plays several instruments while Nathaniel is lead singer.
LegalForce RAPC Worldwide represented Andrew and Nathaniel on the filing of their U.S. trademark for FUN., which is related to the name of a musical group.
Mark is a singer for the band Sugar Ray as well as the host of Extra and Don’t Forget the Lyrics!
LegalForce RAPC Worldwide represented Mark on the filing of his U.S. trademark for UNDER THE SUN TOUR, which is related to live music performances.
Joe Flacco is a Super Bowl MVP winning NFL quarterback for the Baltimore Ravens. He is known to have one of the strongest arms in the league.
LegalForce RAPC Worldwide represented Joe on the filing of his U.S. trademark for JF5 and 2 OTHER LOGOS, which are all related to sports and athletic apparel.
Marion is an American Olympic Track and Field Sprinter and former WNBA player of the Tulsa Shock.
LegalForce RAPC Worldwide represented Marion on the filing of her U.S. trademark for CAAJ, which is related to jewelry products and services.
Kandi is a singer-songwriter who has been featured on Real Housewives of Atlanta as well as her own
show: Kandi Koated.
LegalForce RAPC Worldwide represented Kandi on the filing of her U.S. trademark for KANDI KISSESS, which is related to Massage apparatus and services.
Dave “The Mogul” is a former auctioneer on the hit show, Storage Wars. He also founded his own auction house.
LegalForce RAPC Worldwide represented Dave on the filing of his U.S. trademark for DAVE HESTER AUCTIONS, which is related to auctioneer services as well as YUUUP! pertaining to clothing and bumper-sticker/posters .
Dana is a recurring character on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
LegalForce RAPC Worldwide represented Dana on the filing of her U.S. trademark for THINSHOT, which is related to a liquid vitamin supplement for appetite suppressant and mood boost.
Lord Christopher is the founder of who Babyglow, specialize in temperature aware clothing which act as wearable thermometers.
LegalForce RAPC Worldwide represented Lord Christopher on the filing of his U.K. trademark for BABYGLOW, which is related to children’s thermometers and services.
Billy Blanks Jr. is the son of fitness guru Billy Blanks who invented the world-renowned Tae Bo exercise program. Blanks Jr. is also a fitness instructor as well as dancer and singer.
LegalForce RAPC Worldwide represented Billy on the filing of his U.S. trademark for DIO, which is related to physical fitness instruction and services.
George Foreman IV is the son of former Boxing Heavyweight Champion, George Foreman. Foreman IV is the publicist for the Foreman brand name.
LegalForce RAPC Worldwide represented George on the filing of his U.S. trademark for HARDWORK UNIVERSITY, which is related to a clothing line.
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